SEAsia tells Biden to piss off

danman's picture

ASEAN-US Special Meeting Postponed

They told Blinken the same last month.

Apparently they're not too keen on being Ukrained.


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danman's picture

France, Germany & UK have all spoken out against Biden's regime change prayer in Poland.

Putin's told Gazprom that from March 31st gas is to be sold in rubles.

It's slowly sinking in what a pickle the Eurofags have gotten themselves into by blindly following this fool in the Whitehouse. The only one amongst them resembling a statesman is Macron.

IMO this is a far larger fuckup than the Afghanistan withdrawl & subsequent sanctions, politically - this one's gonna bite back.

Biden's domestic approval rating's now lower than Trumps was at this point in his presidency & he had the majority of the media & deep state coming after him like he owed them money.

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