Pre-Orange Trump

eh's picture

BBC Panorama 2017 Trump, Felix Sater

Before the orange spray tan and piss-yellow died hair, Donald Trump just looked like any other grey-haired old guy. His interview concerning his contact with Felix Sater, a Russian mobster that he and his family had associations with, has recently resurfaced and his reaction at 1:00 is hilarious. Trump twitches and insults the interviewer while immediately saying he has to leave. The house of cards is collapsing as the story of Trump's contacts with Putin and real estate deals in Russia become more out in the open. The orange idiot is the worst president in U.S. history and his supporters should be embarrassed but like all people who have been conned, they refuse to admit they are suckers. Sad.

A little "Fake news" to help explain Felix Sater's relationship with Trump:

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Grothesk's picture


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danmanjones's picture

Sater seems like a total scumbag. He's an FBI informant these days.

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