Pharma is making a market of suffering to profit from

skeptoid's picture

NO to Merck's new COVID pill

I forgot to add a description!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

That is a very well underbuilt theory :).... stupid bitch

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skeptoid's picture

But you're smart and you know what's really going on - fill us ignorant folk in will you?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

molnupiravir inhibits virus replication, hence it can not mutate without replication, only a during the replication there can be a mutation, so there will be less mutations then without the pills.

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skeptoid's picture

^ Behold someone who does not understand the theory of evoluation, natural selection, environmental pressures and how it results in variant organisms. 


Dude the fact that it inhibits virus replication is a driver for mutation, and mutation in the direction of more deadly (i.e., is not affected by inhibitors). You could make the same argument for Ivermectin, actually. I don't see anyone putting that out there because then, yes, it would obviously apply to Merck's new shit. Learn about evolution, Dude, and you will undersand how it produces mutations and variants - robust ones to boot!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

So you are better a better scientist then the all scientists of the entire world?

And a theory is just a theory..


''Dude the fact that it inhibits virus replication is a driver for mutation''

This is why we wear masks wash our hands and quarantine


If it can't replicate on time it dies, hail the inhibitor Molupiravir

The virus cell lives 3 weeks maximum if it can't replicate it can not mutate, and causes no damage in the body

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stokkebye's picture

You do know the bubonic plague still exists in some countries, right? Take all the measures you want, isolate your entire population of your country, sooner or later it'll come back! Do you actually think this stuff through or do you just blindly regurgitate what they tell you to say? The best thing you can do is let nature run its course, protect the elderly and let the young people create herd immunity. Scientist going on pure science is a myth, just watch a few of Thunderfoots vids and you will see science is just another political tool based on opinions of science. There are still doctors and "scientist" in Russia that tell people in a town that mines asbestos and causing cancer is a myth and up for debate, how many doctors and scientist lied about cigarettes' causing cancer for decades? How long did it take to get lead out of gasoline and paint? Science is NOT what you think it is. You are using the term "science" and a conveyor of truth instead of it just being a process. 

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

''And a theory is just a theory'' i said

But you should not throw it all away like that.

You ever bought anything from aliexpress? chances are it gives you cancer, but it is available because it is cheaper, just like the gasoline with lead.

They realy did not know enough about cancer to know what caused it, now they come to the conclusion by doing TESTS that old tupperware was also causing cancer.

They have to find it out later, some of the research is held back because the earth is over populated.

Thin out the herd if there is not enough grass

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stokkebye's picture

If the media actually did its job properly, reported just the facts, and let people decide for themselves, we would not be having this debate, most people are fighting the govt because they think the govt is lying to them through the media, they might be. Imagine lying to your wife everyday and gaslighting her, then all of sudden one day you say THIS IS THE TRUTH AND YOU MUST BELEIVE ME! That is what is going on here! Its a lack of trust and lack of truth!

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

you are absolutely right about that, i can tell you that that is what go's on, they tried to set it up in belgium to, but the media here has rules, and i don't even get why they try to influence ppl trough the media, you just need a good plan and you can direcly controll everything from outside, costs nothing, it is a lack of or a stupid move to controll things directly, it can always be proven

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stokkebye's picture

What rules do you guys have?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

I don't know the exact rules or laws, but media can't be biassed, for instance they can put a polititian on the grill, but they have to be unbiassed just ask him reasonable questions, and they have to treat everyone equal, it leads to the interviewers roasting all polititians and making fools out of all of them, sometimes the interviewers know better then the polititians, but if they show any bias, the show gets canceled, they also keep repeating the question till they answer wich leeds to hillarious scenes, any polititian is put on the spot in a focal point without discrimination, the entire left right is less apparent here most ppl don't care, and those in power are treated like servants of the ppl who have to answer to the ppl every step of the way.

It is a little different then the theatre in America, we are not rooting for polititians victory's, regardless of who wins and makes coalitions, we think - hope they don't screw up to much, overpayed bastards.

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stokkebye's picture

I hope she runs again. Id vote for her, I'd love to have a good looking woman as president, good head on her shoulders to boot! She'd be like how Trump was but on the left, would probably be able to drain the swamp cuz she's on the left and a woman, and a minority. Aint got nothin on her they can use!

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skeptoid's picture

No but all they need to do is have HRC come out and imply she's a Russian spy and something like 40% of the population will just believe it because all they do is watch MSNBC. A certain portion of that population even KNOW it's not true - they're fully onboard with "support the party line" whether it's true or not. 

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stokkebye's picture

Im not so sure about that anymore, more and more people are getting red pilled every day, CNN just nonchalantly admitted biden was telling them to juice up some stories about the economy to make him look good, people were finding out during the trial that kyle only killed white people, Smollet lied and CNN was in on it, Arbery was not just some innocent black man jogging his way to bible studies like the media told everyone he was. They tried to silence the truth tellers only to force people to find podcasts and independant journalist. Crime is through the roof, inflation is draining people's saving, lockdowns are connected to ratings and lawmakers stocks in big pharma making the vaccines. People are fed up and arming themselves to the teeth. I dont think the likes of sHillary can sway people anymore.  

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