Painting Muhammad - Golden Oldie


backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Don't care for Crowder but gotta give credit where credit's due.  

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theblackswordsman's picture
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In Canada telling inconvienient truths about Islam is illegal. But these days, they make all kinds of illegitimate laws that are to be margenalized and ignored.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

you don't know how you got to this?

dude i click on one picture while browsing electronics on ali express cause it looked weird and i wanted to know what it was.

now i'm in the section where all i see are penis rings and my wife is asking me what the fuck i'm doing.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What the fuck am i doing? 

You doing me good, when these $2,45 cockring arrives


I bought a metal cockring and a metal ballsack ring half year ago, and it is acctualy top quality stainless steel, seemed milled out of solid stainless steel bar and smoothened like a mirror, much better then the rebar they put in their buildings :) they care more about foreighn penises then they do about their own ppl and their houses


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skeptoid's picture

Confirmed CIA/FBI contractor right here.



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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

You did'nt expect me to have sex? i am some kind of robot? Your views are all wrong and mangled.

You see the FBI as the guy's in sunglasses shutting down power of Nakatomi Plaza

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skeptoid's picture

No I just see a dude who is an FBI/CIA sycophant as the type of person who would be extensively educated and participatory on the subject of cock rings. You don't see how it....fits?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Do you? Explain it.

And i referred to the quality and craftwerk put into a product that their own ppl can´t even enjoy

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

You know an intact foreskin makes for a good cockring too, though, right?

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