A Message from the Dr


puttefnask's picture

A park.

An artificially constructed environment by humans for humans created by leveling the flora that naturally grew there and destroying any chance for a survivable habitat for fauna(animal life) that originally lived there.


That is not "nature" or "natural" at all.


Why should nature take vengeance on people who don't pick up after themselves in a fake habitat designed to be habitable for humans by destroying the natural habitat of wildlife, with the exception of squirrels, pidgeons and seagulls?


Maybe mother nature should seek its revenge on you, Christopher Eccleston, for your total ignorance of what damage your mere existence has brought to that portion of land, and nature itself.

Maybe mother nature should seek its revenge on you, because you had the audacity to produce children, increasing not only the population and space from natural habitats they will require in order to live comfortably, but also the collossal carbon footprint they also will inevitably produce as they migrate perhaps to somewhere new, because your career made it easy for them to pick another untouched beautiful piece of land to eviscerate. And they will one day have grown into smart and independent adults, with good taste, like their father, which will make them pick specific types of wood for the construction of their new homes, and fill it with furniture of the finest quality, with pillows in every room filled with feathers preferably from caged geese, since the feathers from an obscene amount of dead slaughtered ducks weren't quite soft in the right way, according to your children's husband's or wives. Whom will be planning to start a family of their own soon after.


Or maybe you're just another cunt with a cell-phone constructed with child labour working inhumane amount of hours  at sweatshops in countries where people don't own their own land.

Countries where they eat dogs, just like the particularily rare but adorable puppy you've either already have or will gift to your children, which was bred in horrendous conditions where the wrong breed is terminated at birth.

And if the pet is taken care of it will live until its final day, which is a short time because you bought them a fucking pug which can't even fucking breathe and go through every waking and sleeping moment suffering because it is an inbred monstrosity.


But go on, whisper your useless opinion under your voice to a digital device in public because you don't have to balls to tell people to pick up after themselves or their children, because you think it's destroying your nostalgic memories of how good things were, when you were the little piece of shit without a care in the world spreading even more dangerous and environmentally hazardous plastics and waste around you wherever you went.


Ah, but you're an actor. An internationally recognized actor. Which means you travel a lot using aeroplanes. How many flights so far? Hundreds? Thousands? You just multiply that with the amount of carbon gasses a plane engine produces burning thousands of gallons of jet fuel and you might even represent a visible change in carbon emission statistics across all the continents of the world.


If nature were to wipe anyone out to level the playing field, and the choice were between you and the people you've seen litter in the park you grew up shitting in, then it would fall on you, would it not?

Maybe even your children too, just in case they might walk in their father's footsteps and have ideas about travelling the world.


But ignore the internet warriors trying to insult you. They live in their parent's basements and will never move out. Rarely even leave the house, or even the country. They don't even care about Heaton Park. Anti-social bastards without driving licences who rely on public transport who will never have girlfriends or children or a career for that matter. Fuck those losers.


Fuck the losers who will never come close to your carbon footprint even if they lived for another hundred years.

Let mother nature have her revenge on them, and not you, Christopher Eccleston.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

He could have just filmed himself picking up the garbage while inviting people around him to join in . 

Instead a profound wish / prayer to Mother Nature to punish those less thoughtful....be careful what you wish for . 


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

LOL Boris is going to make this all better after brexit when all the foreigners and funny coloureds are gone.


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