Maxine Waters 2020


skeptoid's picture

There is no other hope - Tulsi can't stand up to that kind of integrity and brain power.

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danmanjones's picture

I like her moxi. White people won't vote for someone like that though - she's too focused on her ethnicity.

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eh's picture

It's time for real leadership.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Like danman said above I really would struggle to vote for someone that is so biased, no matter whether it is race, gender, religion or whatever.

I would rather vote for her (or almost anybody) other than trump, though, but that is me.

Imagine how few would be necessary  from the "other 50%" to change their mind and give trump a landslide next election. One thing is for sure NONE of the trumpets, not even the black ones, will even consider her.

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