"Let the white man do it"

sal9000's picture

Black Man said All Lives Matter - Antifa/BLM Rioters Order & Provoke White Guy to hit him

so the youtube video description says a black man said "all lives matter" so the mob was calling for a white guy to serve justice. which is fucked up. the article i read which had this video in it said that a black man, who's gay and goes by the name of Princess was attacked by another black man and what the video is, is the mob calling for a white guy to serve justice to the black guy. which is also fucked up.



campaing organizer for a black congresswoman.

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phanto's picture

They wanted footage and pictures to use out of context.

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skeptoid's picture

I'm only now coming to fully realize and accept that this "movement" appears to be a Trojan horse for a particularly twisted kind of authoritarian white supremacy. It's much heavier than I had previously recognized - it's the worse version of this I could have imagined.

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ubershin's picture

lol hitler needs to come back to show these people real power and authority. too bad no one will ever join another war because fighting is for "racist white men"

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