It aint over bitches!!! LOL


theblackswordsman's picture
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The Top 11 Scariest Movies Ever Made - Zimbio

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ubershin's picture

I hope there is some HUUUUGE BIGLY bombshell so i can COPE for 4 years until he wins again. TRUMP 2024

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CombatGod's picture

Wow so many #MAGAmorons really filling up the swamp fast with bullshit...

I don't think America could take anymore of Trumtard teams...

Just listen to the Karen who doanted millions to Trump so should could make us the laughing stock of the world. 

So tired of these morons looking at the DOW thinking all the dergulation accomplished something.

Holy fuck are we in trouble if this moron actually steals the presidency against the democratically elected president...

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stokkebye's picture

A bit unhinged this morning. Did you not bother to look at how old this post is?

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