"Guarding" Syria's Oil

danmanjones's picture

US Troops Remain In Syria To Protect Oil Fields From ‘Terrorists’, War Report

The US strategy in Syria is becoming more transparent - prevent the Syrian government from gaining access to the Syrian oil fields & cut off the movement to/from Iraq where possible. The Syrian government is not a "US ally" (if that's even a thing) & won't capitulate to US demands so Syria must be occupied & weakened as it tries to rebuild after a devastating 8 year war.


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danmanjones's picture

The obvious solution is for the Kurdish region to come back under the umbrella of the Syrian government with some autonomy, like they had before Operation Sycamore kicked into gear in 2011. Unfortunately the US hyenas know this & will do whatever they can to prevent national unity in Syria.....


US official warned Syrian Kurdish leader not to talk to Assad or Russia in heated meeting


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daftcunt's picture
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LOL they of cours fuck with the Kurds but want to protect the oil. Would be funny if it weren't sad. 

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danmanjones's picture

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