Golddigger Wife Gets 0$


thegent's picture
Discord user

poor probably only come out with a couple of million..

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sato's picture

yes that and the people have been living 30 years making a ton of money but paying no taxes. i'm sure they're not the only ones doing it.

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sato's picture

gold-digger doesn't seem to apply here. they were married a very long and she certainly had a large hand in the pair's prosperity. there are billionaire wives who are gold-diggers but others ran the house, supported their husband and ran his social circles (which is important at that level, "who you know" and all) for decades, and deserve a fair cut of the money they had a large part in building. i'm sure many of you are also married and also would get a lot less work done if not for your wife.

that said, even if she was a gold-digger it wouldn't matter because hidden cash hurts everyone. he's benefitting from the fruits of other people's taxes without paying any himself.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

"gold-digger doesn't seem to apply here" you forget, pantysoaker posted this. 

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