

stokkebye's picture

This Is Amerca GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

self defense shooting...... How would one justify that?

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stokkebye's picture

Stand your ground law!!! Unlike other pussy states, you dont have to wait to become a victim! You are allowed to take out a threat.

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ubershin's picture

It called the US of A. God bless AMerica and it's ability to resist demonrats....if you don't like self defense then YOU can move to africa and not worry about it. I'm not going to change my laws just because YOU don't agree with it/don't want to shoot someone/desire to die and kill people who aren't demonrats/insert whatever reason u want to give

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

yeah, tiny glass shards in your eyes is fun.

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