Exploder in the Real World


Muchos Munchbagger's picture
Explorers gone man. Just accept it and move on bro. I know you're sad and keep posting homage vids of him, but .. need a hug?
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skeptoid's picture

You stop that talk! That's not true. That can't be true! lalalalalalalalalalalalalala

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napalm4sd's picture

Wasn't exploder an old alcholic/drugg addict hermit? I hate to say it, but theres a good chance he passed on. 

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Grothesk's picture

All of us will 100% guaranteed "pass on".  Just because you haven't seen a post from him in a while doesn't mean he's dead.

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napalm4sd's picture

Yes but not all of us are old alcoholic drug addicts. 

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SpikedLegend's picture
Beta Tester

Looks like they are in Westwood.

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