Electronic Plantation


danmanjones's picture

I create algorithms to replace people but somehow we just keep adding staff. I suck at my job :(

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blue_devil's picture

If your job can be done by a braindead pice of silicone then you are wasting your real power doing a menial job and are probably not even happy doing said job.

Humans have something that no machine has and that is true understanding and creativity.

A machine has data not even knowledge and some preprogramed output for said data and this is a limiting factor it can't really adapt to new information it can't do what humans do because it lacks conscious awareness .

You see consciousness is a real requirement for doing the tasks that trully set us apart from the vast majority of animals else evolution would never have developed it. Consciousness is the best evolutionary solution for existing in the world that nature has found in the 2 BILLION years since life began so untill machines become conscious there is nothing really important to worry about.


Think about the invention of the tractor that can do the job of hundred of men and horses in a fraction of the time. Well that is a machine taking over the job of a human isn't it ? Are you willing to say that the world or even you are worse of because of it ?


I for one hail our new robot slaves because they will free us from doing menial braindead jobs and move humanity into a new era where our potential can trully shine.


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