Alex Jones: "Biden will be removed..."


Pantysoaker's picture
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december 18th in 5 days :O

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ubershin's picture

new america will be the best (no need to make it great again- it already is) :D

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

....and the comedy continues!

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skeptoid's picture

Will be surprised if Biden makes it to one year.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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He has to make it 2 years. So Kamala can get her shot at the maximum possible 10 year term.


When Trump runs against her the left will frame it as "White vs Black" "Men vs Women"


"Black right and freedoms are at stake!"


"Gender equality is disappearing!"

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boldfart's picture

Looks like things have gone to far in Paris France


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boldfart's picture

"god is in control and god is on our side"!

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skeptoid's picture

What is God in control of and who's side is he on?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Well, according to the current smpotus: the smpotus

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boldfart's picture

Alex has the answer for you!

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