2 dead from ivermectin


skeptoid's picture

If this wasn't politicized they would be alive. I blame you, Raining Blood, personally for these two deaths. You should repent your way of thinking and make amends for the incredible suffering you have helped bring to strangers you've never met. Shame on you - SHAME!


You posted the GIF of people celebrating because you are literally celebrating, in your mind, the fact that you found 2 people out of 400 million who died from an ivermectin overdose. Do you understand how disgusting you are?

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Raining Blood's picture

you're the one drawing the conclusion you find disgusting.


sometimes its funny when people take them out of the gene pool. they would have been better off not doing anything.

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skeptoid's picture

It's the fusion of nihilism with totalitarianism that makes you such a destructive agent in the world. It would, as Peterson says, be better if you held true to the core of your spiritual beliefs and simply stopped, laid down, and did nothing. Like that movie Serenity. But you can't live (or not live) the truth of your despair in the universe God created, because it's false, and so you act out in the world to your own suffering and the suffering of all. Our species will get past you, but it will be painful.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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guns dont kill people, people with mustaches do

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theblackswordsman's picture
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That's a good point. I bet Mao and Pol Pot tried to rock one at some point but they didn't have the balls to leave the mirror with it on.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Ho chi Min gave 0 fucks

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"If this wasn't politicized they would be alive."


Where does your insanity actually stop?



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skeptoid's picture

You're also guilty - that's why we're seeing such a big reaction from you here. But you're a cling-on from ages past - a sad old man who has nothing to say but "You crazy" 90% of the time and whose only argumentative tool is appeal to authority. The same authority that made it difficult for doctors to prescribe a standard medication that has had over 4 billion doses given out since it's discoverer was awarded a Nobel prize and the medication was listed by the WHO as an essential medicine with specific characteristics already remarked to specifically block SARS-related viruses. 


They didn't overdose on Ivermectin - they overdosed on horse paste containing the ingredient Ivermectin. In this video they are calling Ivermectin "a drug used to treat horses." It's a drug used to treat humans that is also used in animals, including dogs, because it is so universally effective. There is penicillin for fish. There are antibiotics for humans that are also prescribed to canines.


You and the fuckwit who posted this - both of you fuckwits - are responsible for those two deaths. Drop another GIF - let's see how much guilt, or perhaps with someone like you we could only say it's shame, you have over what you're participating in. Let's see how the Hegelian mind spins the depth of evil deceipt the video above embodies - I want to see how perversely the human animal can be twisted. You've got my full attention.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

As I thought the crazy wouldn't stop here and as you put in the effort:

Ivermectin is

  • not (yet?) approved as a covid treatment and thus should not be used (yet?) as a treatment against covid
  • being currently tested on effectiveness against covid
  • NOT EVEN recommended for treatment of covid by the MANUFACTURER
  • promoted (and thus politicised) by certain social media channels, politicians and their followers that cater to a specific and vulnerable target audience (i.e. the deluded that need that kind of (a) "messiah(s)" like yourself)

It is the fault of these channels and their "promoters" (like yourself) if and when people get sick or die using veterinary medication unsupervised by a md, NOT that of the people of reason that plead for patience until it becomes approved, like we did with the vaccines.


Their souls are on your conscience and you KNOW it, hence your frantic desperation to find reason to blame the "enemy". And, although sometimes I still feel some compassion or sympathy for you and hope you will one day seek help, in this case I DON'T, the blame is on people like YOU, i.e. that push their agenda at all cost and regardless of the consequences, ONLY! YOU are on par with the MSM and politicians you so passionately despise!


WELL DONE, biastoid!

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skeptoid's picture

The amount of effort you put into this comment bears witness to your guilt. Writing is like breathing for me, but for you it's a time-consuming challenge. You are extremely low-IQ, highly suggestible, and a person of demonstrably poor character. You can't even return to your country of birth. You haven't learned from your past sins, but are too old now to satisfy yourself as you would prefer, and so we have to put up with you here. You've claimed you don't believe that people have souls, but here we have an unfortunate slip from you - you do have one, and you KNOW it. Your only recourse is to spead as much suffering as you can. You will receive all the reward you seek and more in this life.

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daftcunt's picture
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The difference between us is that I have a fairly good understanding of my own talents and limits, which is a talent you actually lack, hence this is where you are on most topics you like so much: Right on the peal of mount stupid (exactly where your yt messias want you to be).


Why can't I return to my country of birth? Why are you lying again?


"You've claimed you don't believe that people have souls, but here we have an unfortunate slip from you..." 


Nope, this was quite deliberate to put the point accross, to a non believer I would have written "conscience".


Keep on hating, it won't change the world, though, you are way too insignificat for that.

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daftcunt's picture
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70% vaccinated? Good news. Also nice proof that not all americans are as crazy and deluded as the big mouthed tards on here!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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I suppose hospitals should stop giving ivermectin to the vaccinated then.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

hospitals do currently not give ivermectin to anyone in relation to covid as it is not approved for treating covid (yet?).

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Lol, That's what you think.

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daftcunt's picture
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Well, if they do they will be vulnerable to lawsuits should someone die or have complications / side effects because of (or despite) being treated with it, this would be an uncontrolled experiment on a huma after all. Unless they make people sign a waver of course.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Or It's highly effective as most evidence suggests, and if there is a complication you just say they died of covid. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

"Or It's highly effective as most evidence suggests...."


Which "evidence is that?

Is it similar to "I slapped all my patients arses (or replace this statement with your favourite fake cure) and over 90% recovered so slapping their arses is the covid cure!"

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Joe Rogan just 1 among thousands of testimonies from Covid patients recovering thanks to Things like Ivermectine, Regeneron and Vitamins. What the difference between that and gene therapy. Well Many, But big pharma don't make very much gov money from the alternatives.


In Australia Hospitals are even going so low as to give out Ivermectin tothe Vaccinated only and cut the unvaccinated out. No Appartheid here. No fraud.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So it is EXACTLY what I said. "Jo Rogan and others took it and got better so it must be the cure" 


You also deserve the retarded subtitle......


I won't even ask where you got your australia info from.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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"You also deserve the retarded subtitle......"


I'll gladly take that over a face mask.

Redneck Shows Off New Swastika Face Mask, Explains Rationale

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stokkebye's picture

Well, I dont know, if you're stupid enough to eat a whole tube of the shit that is the size/dose for horses, maybe its time to exit the gene pool. 

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