to be or not to be...


GKhan's picture

A rough google translate from Russian comments on YT.


Anyone who thinks that later they will fall into bread, I hasten to disappoint. The standard scheme - At the bottom - the conveyor belt, which moves the grain to the separator (sifter) - usually-open- (if the chain conveyor .. they have no chance, if the belt is open, they have a chance after flying onto the tape to fly away while they go. Those who have not jumped, go on, and fall into the elevator (moving the grain up-belt with buckets in the casing, on the discharge grate. They remain there. Some survive well and even fly out when the dump lid is opened.
If small, it goes further and enters the hopper above the screener. . Already not alive, but the sieve does not fall through the grate but goes off the sieve. Grain passes clean through sieves. Further before grinding there are a few sifters. So, there is no meat in the bread. The flour production process does not include the addition of meat. Nothing. Remember. NO. Neither mouse nor pigeon, nor anything else. The load on the equipment in grinding (the hole through which the grain is poured) is very small - almost a trickle. No meat parts of spare parts and so on will simply pass.
Plus everywhere everything is sown, sown and sown a hundred times)). Many years in this industry .. believe me - and be calm. It is in the production of flour that no one gets there. And then especially susceptible after watching the bread will cease to eat.



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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

does it say anything about pigeon shit being in the bread?

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yeah, I was thinking that. Then my pitbull licked my face and mouth after doing the same to his anus and I did not care any more......

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GKhan's picture

haha - still, your pitbull is probably cleaner than most people, pigeons however, rats with wings.

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