Adam Conover sucks


Taintstank's picture


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theblackswordsman's picture
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My trans friend said this, my trans friend speaks for that. I don't know these things, I'm not an expert on those subjects. A philosophy PHD cites this that and the other.


He doesn't even know the difference between a philosophy PHD and a medical doctor...


Any time I have seen one of his videos I could sit here and poke enough holes in his logic,  to make swiss cheese appear wholistic.


He should change his show title to "Adam Doesn't Know Anything."


Oh, and don't forget his knowledgable trans friend is funny. That's very important when discussing the future of our children.



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Maxpower's picture

@20:55 - "I wasn't saying we should reason from anecdotal evidence."  *proceeds to provide another anectode*


This is a 22 minute video, and I sympathize with anyone who doesn't wanna listen to at least 11 minutes of non-stop studdering, but this guy is clearly a hack just following a script. If you watch his show, you're getting bullshit, albeit a more practiced, polished form of it. He's not objective in the least, and he's never destroyed anything more thoroughly than his own credibility after watching this.

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