Atleast They Got The Spot


The Evil Bat's picture

Bet these ladies now carry mace or a taser now. But what the hell did she think would happen punchin that fat cunt in the head? If he's getting that salty because you (or your mum) took his car park that he throws his ham leg at you car, would punching him in the head do when you're  that tiny?

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Fullauto223cal's picture

She believed the lie that women can do anything a man can do, up to and including kicking another mans ass.  Looks like she had to learn that SJWism was bullshit the hard way.

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ninjzz3.0's picture
Image result for act like a man treat you like a man
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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

Guy still took it too far IMHO.

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GKhan's picture

Do you mean slugging the yellow shirt girl? I thought so too until she got back up and went for more. Clearly, he didn't do enough. Unless he did but she's use to take punches. 8)

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Beldazz's picture

You're right. She only wanted equal rights, but he gave her a few lefts as well.

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GKhan's picture

That's awesome. Wish we could give out PC badges on spiked.

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stonerDave's picture

Why are the only 2 occupants of the car on the drivers side? Why did they get out several seconds apart?? This whole thing stinks of shenanigans. 

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