
hellyeah's picture

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Cahu's picture

Am I the only night owl here? Most of my most amazing/profitable projects have happened at night while I'm alone.

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Cahu's picture

This video really chilled me the fuck down. I really had a lot of things on my mind and now I have wine and chill on my mind. I can now chose between going to play some Civ, watching a T90 AoE game or watching The Golden Child

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Grothesk's picture

There's a whole bunch of these "radio" channels, which are actually just multiple songs put in a random and continuous mix.  Look "chillwave" or "vaporwave" and you can find some very easy listening chill music.

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CombatGod's picture

I just watch random TV shows and smoke weed from my desktop vape. I do server and IT so I stay up late and work on shit. 

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